Monday, 31 January 2011


And I put all my lentils in my curry and it was still way too runny, so I had to ask a MOS what to use. She said "Cornflour" and coincidentally someone else was heading to Tesco's so I have given him instructions
But I solved it alone, leave the lid off and boil it for a couple of hours.
I have some Cornflour to use next time


Then I walked up and down the road then up and downhill too. Probably the longest walk on tarmac in nearly 8 years
But afterwards I had to take my asthma inhaler, the first time I have used it in memory

Up Again

(excited)Got up s'morning and thought "What to do?" then it dawned on me, Dial-A-Ride is coming in a couple of hours......(/e)
And it came, took me to town for free and was cheerful. A new hobby