Thursday 20 September 2012

Grumpy Busy Girl

Then Freya came round and was way too busy doing her homework to even speak to me, but there you are

Jim Jiminy, Jim Jim Jaroo!

And we went to Gym afterwards and it was scarier than usual, I feel as if my right foot was turning over when I walk but Ed says it looks OK.
In class there were a variety of people who are as ill as I was last year, dunno what to say but if you do work hard you can be weller.
On the exercises routine I was actually able to step up with my right foot first, I couldn't do that last time I tried

More Shopping

So then today me and Paul nipped out shopping, because the blueberries from Morrison's are not as long lasting as the ones from Waverley Stores, who finished their blueberries last week, for the season