Saturday 6 October 2012


So we stopped at McD's on the way home as I am too knackered/hungry to cook, they were fairly buzy so they were able to just hand Paul his burger. But veggieburgers are a bit more unpopular, so we sat down until she brought it over as it finished cooking

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2 antibiotics

So all went well today until 'bout 4pm when Paul went to put sum creme on my leg like he had dun s'morning and he said "Lord, it's well swollen now, to A&E" so now I have 2 tablets of antibiotics to take for a week

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Mega Shopping

So we nipped out to proper shops and bought me some ankle weights, my staff some anti-b handwash, some gloves etc etc


And Paul said "Don't write to your BLOG and say 'Im having a p**h' when u r in the loo s'morning" so I won't


"Hello there"

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And last night I ate a snack bar (Yes, dieting!!!) and obviously didn't chew one piece up properly, it stuck in my throat, and I coughed (made enough choking sounds to make Dicky come running) for about 20 minutes. This wouldn't have occurred before my accident but as I couldn't breathe then and they operated on my throat(1) obviously summat isn't right. Don't think it can get any better, just be careful with each and every mouthful for the rest of my days

(1) I think the ambulance man

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