Thursday 12 September 2013

Comedy Club

And me and Gareth are off to the Comedy Club in a bit, hopefully I will enjoy it
Well the first half has been good, ready and waiting for 2nd act
And it has finished now, yes I am glad we came tonight (Phnar phnar)


And we are off to Swansea s'morning to get my new NHS bioness device. Which I am a bit cynical about as I walk so well unaided but wait and see, as they say
Well, that was knackering but effective. We tried one on and I walked up and down and up and down again while they adjusted stuff and shoes etc. Then I walked up and down more with it switched off and on again. In the end he said "Yes" and is gonna apply to the NHS for one and will write to me next month with another appointment for my fitting
But what a difference it made, cynicism=gone

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone

Strange Memory

So Paul is sat at breakfast table with me. He said 'Cool' and I replied '-io Inglesias'

Now how many years since I even thought him in the past?