Monday 28 September 2015

Confusing Day

And we have had an odd day, me and GHtGG doing as normal and Timmy and Mark being in the background, training Mark.
But good lord, my MOS need to know loads and loads about me


Then we headed into town later looking for Xmas pressies, found one for my Mum but nowt else


So we went off swimming today. I was really struggling to do the breaststroke, dunno why, I was doing it all properly, push off the wall, kick loads and move arms, just didn't succeed today. So I did 2 lengths of not really stroking, 2 lengths on my back and many hamstring exercises. GGtGG said "Come on then, get out" but I tried again to do a breath breaststroke, still couldn't, dunno what the issue was

Getting Easier

So because I am going swimming today I carried the half pile of washing out of my room to leave by the machine, I will fill it up later when we come back from the pool. But today I walked on two feet, walks stick in left hand as usual and the box of washing in my right hand. Just phwoargh, how much better is my tight hand? It seems like no time since I had to wheelchair out of my room in order to carry half a box of washing etc