Saturday 23 July 2011

More Boots

So as wearing my boots seems OK today, I went outside and walked twice to number 4 and back. My right ankle doesn't feel all turning over like it did last week. So who knows, a few days rest might have cured me, I will know more when I take off my boots and socks at bedtime tonight
It is still retaining some water but doesn't look half as rough as it did t'other day


And I went to make a sandwich for lunch and the last of my bread has gone mouldy, it was the last, it is on my shopping list for monday. Panic a bit but decided to have cous cous for lunch today and tomorrow


And that Freya phoned me up from her mothers house, she is back from Guide camp, but she will be away this week as well (these young people, tsk tsk tsk) and said "Can I come and see u tomorrow instead" so obviously that's a yes. And it's proof that despite her teenage girl stroppy-ness she does want to come here and see me!


And as my foot feels so much better today I tried putting my boots on. It feel OK, we shall see when it comes time to take my boot off this evening but it feels well now