Thursday 26 July 2018

Thursday Ritual

So we have to do the Thursday morn ritual, go and buy loadsa veg, go and do my More Reasons To Shop At shopping, then we need to pop to the Drs and pick up another 'script then get on with a normal day.
Then tonight there is an Iechyd Da folk club which hopefully will be as much fun as usual
Well that's the morning business done. First of all to the Drs, then got loadsa veg then got f. all from Morrisons, but it's all done. And I said to GGtGG "Shall I cook na'an bread pizza for tea tonight or should we go out and eat out" but then I said "No, because....." if we ate out t'other day, and I am taking Freya out on Sunday I can't afford to eat out tonight so pizza it is
Lordy, GGtGG isn't usually working on a Thursday so he doesn't have pizza very often and he was very impressed with it
AND the folk fest turned out OK too. It was a usual quiet day as it's the summer but some good muso's played