Friday 15 February 2013

Mistletoe and Wine

And for dinner tonight we had the now usual Friday dinner of naan-bread pizza's.
And it was yum


Then we nipped out to Aardvark to do the weeks shopping, I was a bit more stuck in my wheelchair as I felt so exhausted after s'morning but I did walk some

Clarkin' Bell

This afternoon SmallPaul told me that his neice had sold her story to the BBC and was a)in their TOTP mag and was b) gonna be in a TV program about her. Basically she is 14 now and 7 years ago caught from god knows where a swelling of the brain and while she has pretty much got better she now suffers from "face blindness" so she can't recognise people, even her Mum, it's only when she speaks that she knows who she is. She is working with some charity, perhaps this one, and the payment from the BBC will go to them, helping sufferers


So we went up and down the aisles in Tesco looking to no avail. So we went to the desk and said "My right hand doesn't work so I take a pot out of the oven, try to lift the goods with my left hand, but I need some way of keeping the pan still". She said "Ah, follow me" went out to where we had been looking but couldn't find 'it' whatever she had been looking for. She saw another member of staff and said "Where is the...". The other member of staff said "Put on the side a tea towel COVERED IN WATER and your pot won't move". I thanked her for saving money and knowing that

(sent from my phone)


So Sara with no H, the physio came to see me. First of all she booked an appointment for me to have my Bioness appointment which hopefully will be the day they fit me with extra electrical stimulation so that hopefully I will eventually be able to ditch my wheelchair. Hopefully.
Then she acupunctured me in my now nearly healed fully left arm.
THEN we went for a walk up and down the street with no wheelchair
I think I am much to nervous to head out without my 'chair but I managed it today
But gord I feel knackered now, soon to nap