Tuesday 5 April 2011


So I had a wash tonight and because of that for the last hour or so I have been wheelchairing about with no boots on. And good lord, my right boot is a few cm adapted because my right toes are down and not wearing boots it seems really relevant that my right toes are hitting the ground but not the heel, whereas on the LHS my whole foot trounces down

For Odin's Sake

So this afternoon my beautiful daughter Freya came to see me. First things first, I asked her if she wanted to watch a DVD video that Jackie had leant me, she said yes. It was the first film I have seen in some months/years and I really enjoyed it. Freya did say "I expected to enjoy that but I was surprised at you"
For dinner we had those Tofu pieces marinaded and I must say they were excellent.
I had to email Morrisons this morning and said how delicious they were and as I can't visit two shops as I am an assisted cripple (not that we did visit two yesterday) so why don't they sell 'em. Wait and see I s'pose

Good Lord (Odin)

Well today I received an email from my old friend Tim, just double good lord. I am reaally pleased to get in touch with him again


And I was given a new CD last night, Melanie she is called, and she doesn't eat meat!!


I haven't had my brekky yet and I glanced at an email from Denyse and she said Paul, the second of my staff, has had his police check and will be starting work next Monday