Monday 7 April 2014


Still, I am sorry but going to the loo now, closing the door with my right hand and standing up thru pee.......


Well we nipped to the gym s'afternoon. Timmy said "No need for treadmilling, you walked so far s'morning" so I did full 15 minutes on an exercise bike followed by 3 of my weight lifting exercises

Walking Everywhere

Then s'morning we nipped to Morrison's. I was wheelchaired thru the rain 'til we were through the front door. Then I stood up and pushed my trolley. Until after we had left the shop and walked back to the car
There was a bit of an attitude, every time I moved my right foot forward it hit the trolley. Timmy advised me to bend my knee much more and it didn't hit when I was walking then


And it is raining loads again today (and yesterday) but the river thru Carmarthen, the Towy,  seems less overfull and flooding than it was a couple of weeks ago
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Well it's dry now, s'afternoon. Still cold and windy but dry now