Friday 17 June 2011


And Julia brought me over an box of MP3 CD's t'other day, an old collection of mine. I tried to rip them but it wouldn't work so I put the box to one side, I thought that they hadn't worked, not burned properly or summat. Today I was showing Paul, he said "Yep, fair enough, but can you see the tracks on the disc?". Ever since slightly further on in that conversation I have been copy and pasting Julia's CD's onto my PC, it works now that I know a slightly different approach


And today I have just had on 2 shoes, no splint. And this afternoon, after our adventure to the swimming pool I set off outside to walk up and down and my foot still behaved itself without the splint. Staying upright is much easier now, still needs some concentration but it works

What a day

So Paul came over later, we went to the swimming pool soon after. It was the first time I have a) been in the pool with only 1 person to look after me, and b) worn my new googles which seemed to work etc. I was a bit non-summated about washing, showering, myself afterwards but it all went OK

I don't think there is owt as noticeable as last week but my arm feels better and more moveable this week
And after our swim we stayed and I had a lunch at the pool café, which was nice too

.... & at 'em

So I woke up and got up early-ish today. My trunks are on etc. So I am waiting to see if the van containing my footwear arrives from Llanelli (!) before I go, according to online checking it is on it's way

And when we had been to the swimming pool and came back what was sitting on my doormat? So next week I shall try my grippy shoe type things