Monday 4 June 2018

Haven't Done Owt Yet

So my photos are still sitting in  pile on the sofa, I haven't been brave enough to look again yet. But MM did find a new photo album sitting on the shelf in the corner so promising but.....

Resizing Photos

And I was experimenting with a webpage that has lots of "resized" pictures so you can click on it to see the full sized pic and I had an OCD outbreak and as well as resizing every pic to a different setting because they are all different sizes I actually experimented with decimal points, so making it eg 23.3% big etc and it all worked, they look the same size now


So early lunch then get changed into my trunx and tomorrows clothes then head off to the gym for a swimming lesson and shower
Well it went. The teacher lady said to the class at the beginning "Neil says 'Are you gonna be grumpy and scary today?' and I answered 'Yes'" which kind of sums up our relationship. But I did have to wait and say to her at the end "When you took the inclined stairs out I said 'I can't get out now' but at the end of the class I climbed up the vertical ladder, the one I didn't used to be able to manage" so it is doing me some good

Sticks Between Plants

And Gareth The Gardener said s'morning that the one stick he put in with the plants as an experiment has worked so on Wednesday when he is working again we will have to put some more in and start tying some plants to them.