Friday 22 November 2013


And we went to the pub tonight and it was rather full as Wales beat Tonga at the game of rugby
Which was nice to watch (even tho most points were scored in the first half before we arrived)


And we (me and Ed) went to gym over lunchtime. Today I  did not have my splint on my leg so I had to extra concentrate but it just about worked.
Extra concentration with every step but I managed.
Until the very last step of the class an hour later


So first thing s'morning me and Ed went and didn't buy as much as last week at Aardvark. Again I walked in until we were cuing to pay at which poing Ed brought my 'chair in the shop.
I did have a conversation with the owner about how last week there was a chap walking down the slope while I was waiting at the bottom and he said, in passing, "What a struggle it is without a handrail" so she said "OK, I will ask the builder instead of my husband..." so wait and see now