Thursday, 5 May 2016

Hot Weather

So today it has been so warm so I installed a temp measurer device thing on my phone. Now, at a quarter to 11 it says "Indoors 31° Centigrade"
Now at 11 it sez 32°

Macaroni Cheese

After my query when Alex ate this on Tuesday I went back to Morrisons for tea (and my weekly shop too) and tried this. Yes, it was purely average a la Morrisons café but I so enjoyed eating it. I got a bit emotional, like "I used to really like this but it is about 15 years since I have had it (and I had an ABI etc etc) so I couldn't remember, until the first mouthful went in"
But yum yum

He Sais "Wedi Gorffen"

So tonight he has finished tiling the whole floor. It looks f'ing lovely. So tomorrow he has to grout the whole floor and fit the edge bits etc then he is finished.
Then I will owe him sum but I think....... it's worth it, this time
And s'evening I was walking about looking at the room, it feels so "not slippy underfoot" it is so much better


So first thing today I popped into Iechyd Da (we got the closest free disabled space on King St, no car park was involved this time) and fetched my delivery of orgy porgy veg etc.
Then I went to gym for a mega cycle.
Then we came home for lunch.
THEN we popped into town back to the chemist near the Drs and fetched my new sockings

Mega Cycle

Well it was written on my timetable to cycle for an hour today but I thought "No......" and said "Just 20 minutes but going AFAF". So usually I travel 3.9 or 4 km in 20 minutes, today I broke into a sweat and cycled just over 5 km.