Sunday 26 September 2010


So I had to chop up an onion and some mushrooms for dinner and once again I used my right hand to chop and it was much more excellent than it was recently


I had 2 slices of bread in my sandwich at lunchtime today instead of just one like recently. But I had less peanut butter and jam.
But I am loosing weight, my mother saw me for the first time in a couple of weeks last week and said so

Over Hung

As I had more to drink last night than I have had in a number of years I had a hangover this morning.
But I am OK now


And after my breakfast etc I went and had a poo. Now in the past I have had trouble with poo sticking to the right hand side of the toilet, G*d knows why, but today almost no poo stuck where it shouldn't be


As I was late and drunk last night I went straight to bed but woke up this morning went straight into the shower and washed my hair again, then went to have breakfast