Wednesday 27 April 2016


Then before dinner I said "Lets go for a walk, so we drove to Carmarthen, parked up in the disabled bay at the beginning of Lammas St, headed off then up the hill to King Street, past Iechyd Da, from there along King St, down the side of the Court House back to the car. Exhausting walking up and downhill thus, but it is worth it. (In blue dots on this map)


So the AA class was renamed this week, it is now called Aqua Fitness. Dunno if it will last but... Anyway I did a session doing random tilty in the water rather than against the wall but I did it. And I was able to stand on my right foot and kick with the left more than last week so summat is helping me

Marginally Busy

And today I have an early lunch, then Denyse is coming here to discuss summat with me, then we are off for an Aqua Aerobics class
No, less busy now, Denyse phoned me at quarter past ten and said "As it wasn't a very important discussion we had planned and summat else more important has come up......" so she cried off today and is gonna email me with a substitute date soon. So just early lunch, take my tablet then go to Aqua Aerobics
Well an early lunch has been eaten....
And a tablet taken...