Wednesday 11 November 2015


And I made a dinner tonight which was rather nice, but there were no chips, not proper ones or sweet potato ones.


So 10 minutes before we nipped out to shops s'morning I went to the loo.  As we went out I thought "I feel like I need a pee b4 we go..." but then "No just been" so I went out after feeling that I needed a pee and went round 2 shops and didn't go to the loo when coming back. So telling when I really need the loo and not wetting myself 'cos I made the wrong decision... So difficult this being a grown up

Shopping B4 Swimming

So today it sez "Swimming" at 1PM on my diary so I think we will nip out to Farmfoods to get sum more frozen stuff before that
Which we did, generally "spud" type accompaniments and ice cream for pudding. And another load of veg, from another shop, to make a dinner tomorrow, like Julia said "Better cook veg than eat frozen food"
Then we did head to t'pool where once again I struggled to throw my ball, did a few lengths and exercises. Again I couldn't remember how to move my arms all the time, it would go wrong mid length etc
AND as we headed into Morrisons s'morning a chap closed the door and said "2 minute silence" so we stood there thinking all kinds of thoughts until at 2 minutes past 11 he opened the door again and we felt we could speak again