Tuesday, 12 May 2015

My New Phone

Does this work then? 😑
Well it does work but you can't see the smiley I put at the end of the line, but it is proving itself capable of everything. Samsung A5 it's called
Lordy. I have stopped playing around with it long enough to go on my PC for a play. I seem able to type pretty well, even tho it doesn't have buttons which I am very glad about


Good lord, so I am having a Timmyday today. So s'morning we went to gym, on 2 machines for half an hour, then we nipped to the O2 shop and hummed and hawed then decided to get a Samsung A5 phone. Then we came home, ate lunch and every minute since before I finished we have been getting stuck into phone. I am still confused etc but Timmy said "Just play with it" so....