Tuesday 5 July 2011


And it has been announced tonight that my new car will be ready on Thursday but it will take them a day to sort out the insure so on Friday morning I am going to pick up my new car.


So Sarah the Occupational Therapist came to see me after lunch with a few more ingredients. Together we made Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni which is now awaiting to be cooked for me and Freya's tea. Half of it, the other half is in the freezer awaiting another meal for the two of us. ObAnd there is a small amount of the tomato sauce in the freezer too awaiting some boiled pasta to eat it by myself. But good lord, it looks much too posh for me to have cooked, surely I opened a packet and it was just there


So I got up s'morning, went to the kitchen, prepared a bowl of Muesli, brought into the living room, popped a spoonful into my mouth and suddenly thought "Aargh, where has my tooth gone?"

No more title underlining

I can understand it like today's and can't find a way of making it automatic, hence stopping. Unless someone drops me a line with tips?