Sunday 25 July 2010


And I didn't sit in my wheelchair until after 4 o'clock this afternoon, so all day I have been walking with no stick


And I only found out today that Kirsty MacColl died a terribly accidental death in 2000


And I heard a concept on the radio today that I was unaware of. Can someone tell me more about them?

Fsck it

So every time I stand up and walk I am thinking "Shit, it's too hard." but fsck it, I don't need to do it, I can be a cripple forever. Or I can continue this relearning process until it becomes easier

No, no, no

They tried to make me go to Rehab, but I said "No, no, no"

Right hand

And I am using my right hand to help me type today and it is working. QWERTY are left handed and UIOP etc are my right hand and it isn't a great deal slower, but it still f**king hurts

Lie In

In order to stay asleep tomorrow morning and therefore have a lie in I am staying up later than usual tonight
And hoo~f*c*ing~ray I woke up earlier this morning but was able to go back to sleep and I didn't wake up until 8.20 ~ a lie in