Saturday 1 June 2013


So as I have been up today since X-o'clock this morning- I have gone to bed early tonight so hopefully I will sleep. Tonight

Neil The-Hippy
From my phone, a BlackBerry Q10

Little Old Lady

Then s'morning Sarah Bailey, the speech and language therapist, came to see me and discussed me choking etc etc

Talk don't fight

And I heard a news story s'morning which filled me with joy. Some fascists turned up to riot and the mosque, instead of being scared invited them in for tea and biscuits
This fills me with joy, there is power in talking, not throwing stones etc

Early to bed, early to rise.....

And I got up s'morning because I had been awake etc for hours and that sleep seemed to be escaping me so got up at 6.30 s'morning
And my MOS who was asleep at the time complained loudly as he had to get up then to keep care of me