Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Then tomorrow the expensive new cooker is being delivered and fitted. Hopefully it will improve lots of things....... Dunno when, they are going to txt me early tomorrow.....

Off Out

So we are popping out in a bit to The Ferryside Men's Shed. Dunno if I am gonna pay to join, they were doing loadsa making/mending stuff which I am not very capable of, we shall see
But Sturit is not going this week, we exchanged emails s'morning as he has some visitors
Well that was a bit strange, I was sanding some new table legs made from Giant Redwood which is a massive tree, like 20-40 feet across but these pieces were much smaller. I sanded them down, perhaps next week I will do them again with a finer paper
AND he did say to me "Wanna seat?" but I said "No" as the longer I stand the better etc

Odd Pooh

So s'morning I went to the loo after breakfast as usual and squeezed and squeezed but could only do half my pooh, I could still feel that the other half was waiting. I went back to the loo an hour later, squeeze, squeeze but nowt came out. A second hour later I tried again, squeezed gently and an enormous pooh came out of my bottom. Hardly any squeezing, it was just ready to come out.
So timing is the key.....


So he insisted that I pedal today so here we are, I have dun about 1.5km so far, 8.5 to go
Half and half now and I haven't stopped for a rest yet
Well I did it. Apparently I was impressive by being on a bigger weight than last week and going quicker, but dunno, glad it's over