Friday 27 November 2015

Unexpected Shopping

Then, after dinner, we nipped out to Morrison's (noisy link) as we had run out of salad/lunchtime, but I decided to get the whole of my weeks shopping. At a guess we might need to buy a few days salad next week but we shall see how it goes

Win 10

So I have had Windows 10 installed for a couple of hours now, dunno, it's......

Friday Night

And it is make Pizza night again.....
Yummy scrummy in my tummy

Friday Morning

So we started the busy Friday as usual. First of all we went to Aardvark and spent loads as usual on healthy food and drink then we came back to put it away.
While we were back my PC said "Free version of Windows 10, click" so I did and then had to go out to my second busyness and leave it installing
Then we went to gym where as usual I was the star of the show and now I can do so much down on the floor with Sam before getting myself back up
Then we came back to find the PC still installing etc, I had my lunch before it was working again. Dunno what to think, I will have to wait and see