Saturday 7 December 2013

Friends Again

So me and Freya were together tonight, for the first time since I pissed Freya off by not telling her the truth about why I couldn't make it last week
Today started off with Freya having to get stuck in and put up my Xmas tree for me
Then we we't out and ate dinner as a way of me saying sorry

Aargh Ripping

And someone leant me a Sigue Sigue Sputnik CD so I thought "Oh, rippings easy" but then I recalled I haven't ripped out under Windows 8.
I found it in the end....

Xmas Arrangements

And we made more Xmas arrangements today. That Paul chap was here so he said "This and this..." then phoned my Mum, spoke to her for ages then I spoke to her.
Lordy, I think it is coming together, this Xmas with my whole family thing
And we said to Mum, shall we phone restaurants and tell 'em extra person but she said "No, I have done it already"