Thursday 9 July 2015


So we went to town for a walk s'afternoon, he pushed my wheelchair in case I needed it but I didn't, up one street, across and down the next then back to the car


And I did a recording t'other day of recording stuff on my phone, I am practicing so I can use it any time I am talking to an official, there will be no query, I have proof


And I am having a quiet day today as there is a team meeting going on here, Denyse and the team are all arriving independently to slag me off &c (1)
Well I sat in for the first couple of hours, it was reasonably OK, but Denyse asked me to leave so they can slag me off or whatever then
(1) Sorry, "independently to discuss my needs &c" is what I meant but it didn't make for such an entertaining read


And I asked Timmy to push my wheelchair in, up the steps etc, last night, in case I needed it. When we got in it was folded in the corner, I sat on a stool at the bar, later we went round the bigger room for the quiz, I sat in a proper seat. Sometimes I walked back from the bar with my beer held in my right hand (after I had drunk an inch off the top) other times I carried my beer in my left hand and held my walking stick in my right. This was a bit mind boggling but I did it