Sunday, 4 March 2012


Then we promised Toby that we would nip to the shop and buy him some bread and mayo to keep his stocks up


And I have been reminded that we fixed underlining links and opening them in a new window on Blog
Which I had forgotten, I was trying to fix it again....


And I we are watching the postponed Ireland v France rugby match. And Ireland are winning at half time. It looks like only the second victory they will win in France in about 50 years. Wait and see
Ooooh, 17-17 at the end, that was too exciting


And out of the blue today I was muttering a song that I recall and had to search the Interweb to find it

Wiv TimMY

So TimMY came round s'morning, and moaned loads about the council inflexibility etc.
He was able to make my phone actually link to the mobile version of my diary so I can now read it/update it on my phone, if I ever want/need to