Friday 23 September 2016

In't Morning

So I am changing my bed tomorrow without putting up a notice saying "Change bed" like I have done for over a year. I will see if spotting the spare holder thingy will remind me
AND it did, I recalled!!!!

Gym Class

Then today I had another crowded gym class in the squash court. It went OK and I spoke to Sam half way thru and said I thought I would look in at the next class up but not for another month, when we are back in the proper gym room

Rid Of More

So then first thing we took more trousers to another charity shop. This time they reacted to me saying "Lost 4.5 stone" they said "Are u keeping it up? Will we see you again in another month"

Sentral Hotness

And when I got up yesterday and today the radiators were hot.
Obviously it is now cold enough, but it works!!!!