Saturday 19 November 2011


So tonight I have not had a nap at all. I am absolutely knackered about half past 10 so I am gonna go to bed soon. Who knows, g'night


So Timmy came in today. Firstly he had to take me out for a couple of hours to leave the space free for Freya to meet up with Denyse my case manager and Claire, a psychobabbler. That went well, apparently, and we went round town looking at stuff etc. Later we went to Halford's and bought a pink tree air freshener for my car. As well I filled in some bumph about my parenting roles which will be added to and discussed next time Claire comes here


And I didn't have a nap today, no time etc, and I am still awake!! (ObAnd playing with text features on Blog-maker, so VBG.)