Wednesday 12 May 2010


And with these Brain Injuries you forget important stuff, occasionally. For me it's lucky that I am as obsessed with the Interweb as I am, given the slightest hint I can look stuff up.

Today someone, in an email about summat else(1) said Chernobyl. I had forgotten, thought "What's that?", looked online and found out. All I can say is........ SH*T.

(1) Cheers Hoddy for mentioning it


Well today I went out shopping with Jackie. We went to Aardvark got organic veg and some organic chocolate etc first. Then we went around town (the rain had stopped by now, luckily) and eventually found in the market a new (enormous) bum-bag. Then, lastly we went into Tesco's and bought the ingredients for a Whiskey Mac which are now sitting, unopened, in my kitchen. This self cointrol thingy makes it seem really strange etc


So I woke up this morning needing a pooh, as I did yesterday. But yesterday I felt the need to go to the loo before I had my brekky and coffee whereas today I had my brekky and a cuppa and I still haven't gone. I will go before I go to the shops.......