Saturday 26 September 2015

Right Hand

And cooking dinner tonight, I had to chop "some" veg to put in a pasta sauce, a red onion, a courgette and a big mushroom, and I took my knife in my right hand and chopped up all the veg. I did not use my left hand at all
Until It came time to eat......
And I am just walking about the kitchen when preparing food. No stick, no chair. I do walk slower with no stick but I can do it


And Ed the hair cutter (and....) is working again today
But most mohicans don't consist of grey hair.....

Nipped Out

And we nipped out to Wilko s'morning to fetch more "kitchen cleaner" stuff and staff bog rolll etc.


And s'morning I got up at about 10 to 8 and immediately went for a pooh before my breakfast. That's different to usual