Friday 10 June 2011

Wow, what a day

Well firstly Paul came round here. We went straight out to a Mobile Phone Shop in Carmarthen. It looked promising but they didn't have 1 I could try. So we went to another Phone Shop and they had one I could try. Good lord, it is more impressive (to me) than Paul's phone and available cheaper. My heart is set on a Nokia E7 and now we have loadsa hassle 'cos they want my debit card address to be exact whereas it actually says Scotland cos my sister is my deputy. So I suspect, that he will contact Denyse later, she will contact big sister and she will order my phone from up there and ask them to deliver it here. Or summat.

THEN after all this excitement we came back here, ate cheese and onion pasties, and Sara arrived. We all went together to the swimming pool in Carmarthen. Gosh it felt good, I wasn't swimming but floating, walking in the water with no splint on etc. It felt strange being in the water but I suspect that my right leg was freeing up slightly
And good lord, but my right heel seems much more touch floorable even tho it is hours since I was in't water, it may have done me some good.