Thursday 12 January 2017


And I was looking at my diary for tomorrow and WTF's going on?

Then Again

Then after bath/nap/sleep I called Timmy into the kitchen and started rearranging stuff between cupboards, so the stuff that I couldn't see/reach in one of the bottom cupboards is now up where the mugs and glasses were and vice versa. So the bottom cupboard was "full" with stuff being out of site whereas now the new food cupboard is only half full so I can top it up as I buy new stuff
And I deleted the buy new free standing cupboard link that I have had for 2 or 3 weeks now


After we brought the food here and put it away etc we popped off to gym. I said to Timmy "Not on the bike for an hour, I am still too fscked" he said "That 20 minute normal cycle interspersed with 30 sec full out goes every couple of minutes". I thought "Sh*t" but just went ahead and did it, it was fine.
Although after the first ultra fast go I had to stop and take my blue asthma inhaler, the one I haven't needed to use for several months now

Timmy Busy Morning

So soon after Timmy came in and as soon as he had finished gossiping with GGtGG he came and did my feet etc, fitted the FES then we went off to Cafi Iechyd Da to fetch an enormous box of veg that was delivered there. From there we popped to Morrisons where I bought the rest of my weeks shopping

Not Running

And my runny nose seems to have dried up overnight. I am still a bit sniffly but 95% better today
Gord, well I have been out of bed for an hour and a half and just one tissue was used about 20 mins ago. I am half breathing in and out thru my nose too today
Lordy lets hear it for those anti-flu jabs, the ones I objected to on so many levels but I think I would be still in bed just getting up to having proper flu as opposed to almost got better from cold
AND I am noticeably cheerfuller s'morning, according to GGtGG