Monday 17 May 2010

Just Working

Well I have unpacked most of my boxes now, there are just 3 bin bags which I assume are clothes and 3 small bags of summat to go, my flat looks really good now and.....

In one of the bags I found a card from Toby Blower, I phoned him and......... Toby sounded pleased to hear me etc

Web Working

So PHEW, I seem to have found a way of making web pages that work, so today will be busy making sites not unpacking more
And I have finished my backlog of pictures for the web and it is only 11.30ish, suppose I'd better unpack some more.....
And gosh, I have unpacked one box of papers, 95% of which were from my teaching job that I had no memory for, had


And it seems that the web page I made isn't up. HELP
And I seem to have worked out a long winded way of doing it, but at least it works

Now all I can't do is remember what the HTML editor I used was called, or how to find it. Any clues?? Or suggestions of an alternative??
Hah, I recalled, "PageBreeze" it's called and it is working now