Friday 31 July 2015

Feed Him

And Timmy is working today, he doesn't usually eat my food but he will make an exception and eat my na'an pizza that I cook every Friday today
Which we both enjoyed but I had a peach for pudding, which I bought in Aardvark s'morning, good lord, it was delicious but hard to eat without dripping etc

Odd Day

So unusually today's timetable says "Aardvark" then, oddly, "Phone call from Denyse" then "Gym class"
Well we did the first thing, it went OK, he said "That will be £58.32", I said "Pardon?" he double checked, said "Can I weigh this again", right £32.45 in the end. But I walked out of the car, walked around Aardvark, walked back to the car, walked around my kitchen to put it all away.......
But Denyse hasn't phoned yet, she must be busy but I need to go to my gym class in ¼ of an hour
Well she didn't phone, we went to gym and again I astonished myself with how much easier eg the kneeling down and standing up exercise has become. 
Denyse phoned Timmy later