Thursday 2 June 2016

Both Of Them

So we have Timmy and Andrea working tomorrow but no class @ gym. So we will have to see what we do..... (And try to keep myself clean....)


And I just walked from the front door to where I leave the bin for the bin men. No FES fitted but I couldn't help noticing how flat my right foot is anyway. All those months of wearing FES had made such a difference to my walking

Food, yum yum

And I cooked roasted veg for tea tonight and I actually got all the timings right. It was all cooked and delicious with no burned bits or raw bits

More Practice

Further Screenshot Practice from my phone


And I went to the garden today and picked the first of my veg from the greenhouse. It was delicious and extra nutritious

I Can't See

And as I can't see enuf to read my emails yet after the tests I had at the Drs..... Which went well and very quickly but they have left my eyes wonky....
OK, not as bad as I thought. I was able to read 5 emails, much harder than normal but I managed. And apparently it gets easier and easier from now on....
Well phew, I can see again now
Double phew, as my vision was wonky today I was excused going to gym. So obviously I still can't see that clearly


And today I am just doing it to remind myself that I can take screenshots from my phone