Thursday 17 November 2016

Pizza&Chips on a Thursday?

So it's all a bit strange. So went shopping for the week s'morning and bought Na'an Bread etc, picked up the veg too so we had onion&mushrooms, same as usual. But usually on a Thursday the person working with me will be Timmy, who objects to my food, and doesn't eat it. But today me and Mark is working so we were able to eat Pizza and once a week chips tonight.
Yummy scrummy in my tummy

You Have To Do Stuff Tomorrow

I don't know why but it feels like the week is over now. No Neil, you have important stuff to do tomorrow, an injection at the Docs in the morning and a gym class in the nooneraft


And as we had to put the little bin things out to be emptied today I was a bit paranoid about them blowing away once they were emptied so I went out as soon as the binmen had been and removed it.
5 minutes later I am looking out the front window and I can see many neighbours' bins blowing down the street


And we have a quieter day today. Need to pick up my organic delivery, then go get the rest of my shopping and then the only thing to do is gym, I think today it is "do 4 machines" kind of day so not too stressful
Then after we brought the food home & I put it away we nipped to the gym for a session. Today as MM hasn't been doing that duty since before their "redoing" we just went on the machines that he suggested. Hopefully the new "scan your bracelet" device will have worked and my records will be on some PC somewhere