Wednesday 23 May 2018

Walkies, not in Carmarthen

Then tonight I said "Lets go out" to which GGtGG replied "Where?", "Dunno" so in the end we headed down to Burryport where we walked loads along the walkway which would have been to hard for me to do a couple of months ago but now the uneven surface etc doesn't phase me.
We parked up before the tearoom and walked down past the lighthouse


Fark. So I watched a program about folk with dementia meeting up with a load of 4 year old's and the effect it had.
By jasus, it was moving. One of the older folk hadn't spoken at all for a few years. First think said was "When are you coming back?"


And it sez on my diary for today to go swimming in the pool s'afternoon
And oh what fun we had. Actually today we were having so much fun that I didn't look at the clock to see how much was left until about 43 minutes into class

Looking Bigger

And the tomatoes, the courgettes and the rest of the veg in the trug is looking healthier and bigger s'morning