Thursday 2 November 2017

Intimidating Morning, in the morning

Then tomorrow I need to have an extra early lunch then we are heading down Lammas St to the toenail chopper then popping to gym for a class almost straight away afterwards

AM Busyness

So we have the usual Thursday morning business today, to Iechyd Da to fetch my organic food then to Morrison's (noisy link) to fetch the rest of my shopping then to gym for some stressful workout
Well that went well enough. So first things first me and Timmy headed to King St, were able to park without too much delay, and walked down to Caffi Iechyd Da, it had just finished raining. Now as the newbie who took half my veg away t'other week now knows, my box was sitting on a table by itself, waiting for me, when we got there. So we fetched that and then popped to Morrison's where I again didn't have a load to buy, it was cheap this week
THEN after I had put it all away etc we headed to gym where I got stuck into cycling 3.25 KM again, this week I just got stuck in from the start and did it about 2 minutes quicker than last week