Saturday 19 August 2017


And tonight after I went to bed I am listening to a Bob Monkhouse last ever show and it surprisingly excellent. A smidge smutty but excellent. In fact it is so good that I am not going to sleep until it is finished

Back Out

Then I remembered that I was supposed to nip to the cash machine today to fetch some cash as I spent loads last night when we were out for dinner so we popped into town, parked ½ way along King St and walked from one end to t'other and back, 2 full lengths even tho we were parked half way along. (As in we passed the car on the way to the other end, passed it) So in process we popped to cash machine and looked at every charity shop window but they were all shut

Broken Feeling Better

So when Timmy came into my room to do my Hamstring Exercises I asked him about my extra pillow, saying it felt uncomfortable sometimes. He said 'That was put on when you were 5.5 stone heavier, you might not need it anymore' which cheered me up no-end.
After he left I was undressing for my bath, I moved the extra pillow over to the other side of the bed, and knocked down my bedside lamp from the table. I picked it up and the bulb had fallen out, so 'Timmy' once more

Home On....

So s'morning we popped out for a walk round town but it was drizzling so instead we went to The Range and had a good look round at their millions of "home accessories"

Still Recovering

And today for the first time since last Saturday morning my neck doesn't hurt, I can turn my head fully right and left
And s'morning I walked into the bathroom, put my 'stick by the door and was able to walk the 3 steps to t'loo without holding on, again for the first time in a week