Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Then we had my bollock knees with baked potatoes for dinner and it was fscking delicious. But it's all finished now, until I make summat similar next week


So there I was trying to have my nap and these disturbing buggers were disturbing me [Warning, noisy link]

To Pil

So then late morning we headed down to Pil to see Sara and do loadsa exercises. BUT I had said "Can we walk downhill this time" but the blinking machine only went in one direction so I did loadsa walking backwards downhill which wasn't the point but she did remind me that The National Botanic Gardens is all up and downhill so I think I will have to dig out my membership card


So back to normal today.
Today we have an earlier then usual appt with Sara the Physio in Pil where we have already decided that we are gonna work on some walking downhill on the scary machine