Sunday 26 October 2014

Toe Nail

And after my bath today I was just wearing sandals when I came out of my bedroom, I thought "Well, SmallPaul looked at my sore toe and said there was a piece of nail stuck in kind of half below my toenail, but couldn't do anything about it", today I just stretched, managed too touch the piece and it came out. All 3 or 4 mm of piece that had been stuck there since the Foot Fairy was last here, weeks ago

None Swim

And someone came in today and said "No swimming on Monday, as it's half term they are getting ready to.....", I thought "Hurrah" but then he announced "Tuesday instead..." but I think in the past we couldn't swim during school holidays so wait and see

On My Own Two Feet

And I have just walked from my seat at kitchen table to my seat my 'puter with my walking stick held off the ground in my right hand