Tuesday 3 September 2013


And we disabled some program to keep the ads from appearing on my site but had to switch it back on again to see video's


So we went to gym s'morning a few minutes late but we made it. It went well, I wasn't sitting down at all.
As we were leaving one of the other women in the class approached me and commented on how much better I am getting every week.
Then afterwards we decided to head into town and have a coffee at Cafe Nero which was nice, just sitting watching the world go by

No Interweb

So I was eating breakfast, tried to get The Guardian up on the iPad, it said "No, internet connection". I looked, all the light's on the router were lit, so I went to my PC and pressed "Get mail". It waited..... and waited..... and waited.
So I nipped back to the router, pressed "Restart" and 5 minutes later I was reading The Guardian on the iPad once more