Thursday 31 May 2012

Iechyd Da

So me and Timmy are sat in Club Iechyd Da and Freya came to join us, it is going well with enjoyable entertainers. Then I looked up and thought "Why is that bloke carrying a lid?". Because it's Stuart who has come here to meet me, he is going to be a close neighbour of mine soon, as he is moving too
We were there for 3 hours, afterwards we took Freya home and it wasn't until I got back in my own place that I had a piss, which was still colourless


Then after my salady lunch we went to the gym (Hoo-flippin'-ray!!!) were as usual I enjoyed it so much but today she watched my walk and said "No, on your right leg try to bring your knee up rather than moving your foot around sideways" which I tried, it is much harder to concentrate on that too but what a difference it makes to my posture and my walk. It is a small change but what big differences it makes.

Hooray, summat else to concentrate on in this getting better process


Then Ed came in s'morning, did my cream on feet, then later we need to go to Morrison's (noisy) and today as I am practising getting better I will walk into the shop while Ed pushes my 'chair behind me so I can sit down while I choose what salad to eat, then I will stand up and walk out of the shop.
And I did it, hoo-flipping-ray