Friday, 3 March 2017

Friday Night Dinner

So I had the usual Friday night dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips for tea, it was as delicious as last week. But as I have been "doing the dishes" all week I got stuck in, there was extra bowls etc from grating cheese and 2 oven plates but I just did it all. I even did it all, looked round to check and had to get the floor sweeper out to pick up some bits of detritus, but I did it all.
So I shouldn't pay my staff as much as I have taken over one of their rôles?


And today I am heading to the only gym class I do every week
Well I did it. It was nearly as hard work as ever but I am slightly fitter than last week so it seemed a touch easier. MM did comment on how much easier it all looked but that was because I wasn't skiving


And so last night I was trying to stand just on my right foot, balancing. I was trying to last for 10 seconds as I couldn't even manage 2 seconds last time I tried but I managed roughly 9 seconds this time, which is a big improvement

It Worked!!!!

And this morning my hand is more stretchable already, my fingers are stretching without bending over already
And I tried writing with my right hand, it is still difficult but only half as difficult as yesterday