Monday 26 August 2013

With Them

Soi then we went out for a dinner with Sam, my first born, Emma, his girl and Paul, my driver. We had an excellent time, they both seem aware of stuff that I had nearly forgotten etc and we had an excellent dinnr
And Sam who hasn't seen me for 9 months or so commentedd on how much better I am moving and how much better I am looking in terms of fatness

At last it works

So today I finally figured out how to use the system I installed another version of and it will remove duplicate messages easily. As all my posts to Ixion arrive doubled up and loads of us have had a look I am pleased that this works

Monday Shopping

And we had to go to Morrison's and spend some petty cash on bog roll for them, bleach etc


And some small chap walked up to and knocked my front door s'morning. I didn't recognise him as it is so long since I have seen him bit it was SmallPaul back from holiday


And I enjoyed another game of Solitaire yesterday
OK, I only took this pic in case I won a backgammon afterwards and I lost by 6 dooferdingles
Sorry, correct link now

Geek T-shirt

And as we were leaving the match yesterday someone spotted my shirt and said "Yes, I know..." 

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone