Sunday 17 November 2013

Better at pis*ing

So today in the car on the way back from Swansea I commented to Timmy how much longer I can wait between pisses now. It is almost/is better now, I went to Swansea, looked around shop, went for lunch and came back to Llangain before I needed a pee. Whereas a year ago we couldn't have driven the whole way to Swansea without needing to stop. He commented on how when I was in hospital I had a catheter, ever since then I have had to relearn, to teach my bladder, how to hold in pee


Then s'afternoon I had a bit of a confusing conversation with Freya then I realised that we needed to nip to her house and pick her up. We got her and on the way to town I said "Where shall we eat?". I think Freya doesn't enjoy my cooking and so we went looking for somewhere to eat. The first place was too busy we would have to sit for at least an hour so we said "No ta" and went looking for somewhere else. It became clear why the first place was so busy, it was the only place in town open. Eventually we found somewhere else, Weatherspoons, and the food was actually really nice, at least mine was. Simple but nice
Then we took Freya home again, it was a bit early, but she would have come back here for half an hour then left

Shopping Trip

So today me and Timmy went desk shopping in Swansea, to perhaps no avail. We did go shopping for my brother who is coming over at Christmas too, before we ate lunch out
At a guess we will have to go to Ikea in Cardiff next Saturday to carry on looking at a bigger supply of desks.
Coincedentally it is Timmy who is scheduled to be working next Saturday so no problem passing information about the trip to someone else