Sunday 16 December 2012

Remote Control

And tonight I was complaining that my TV remote control won't work from my comfy chair and Dicky suggested new batteries. And YES it does work rather than having to walk 8-10 steps from my chair to make it work

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And tonight we had summat else for dinner, less fattening then oven chips, apparently, that I bought when we were looking for the couscous t'other day


So today when we were going into town the car was drowned in hail stones, like really heavy. We sat for 5 minutes then it stopped so we got out. 5 mins later and the sun was shining

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Unexpected Shopping

So we nipped into Morrison's to buy 1 pkt blueberries (as my shopping is moved back a day this week), many pkts of couscous (when we eventually found it after being up and down 5 aisles) and summat else which I don't wanna buy in front of Sara(h) who is coming to see how well I walk in't supermarket on Tuesday. So it is just as well we found couscous today, I don't think I could have coped with so much walking up and down


I remembered to soak my muesli last night. Later 'someone' came and said "Soak it", I replied "Already dun it" so there we are

(sent from my phone)