Wednesday 22 August 2012


Then Sam and Freya came for tea, the youngest and the oldest.
Then we gave them a lift to mummy's with Toby, we picked him up on the way.
And he told me he had his interview with college and they have taken him back, so A levels in a few weeks


Then we went back to the doctors and he was positive about how well my foot looks now etc.
We asked him about some nutritional advice and he said he would put me in touch with someone at the hospital

Better Walking Day

So after my lazy morning I walked into the kitchen, stood up to prepare lunch and ate it on a proper chair. My wheelychair is in't other room

(sent from my phone)


And the toenail cutter came and did my feet s'morning. Lord, it is expensive but I think it's worth it

Lazy Day

And I am having a lazy day today, I stayed in my wheelychair until after I had prepared and eaten my breakfast, then I ditched the 'chair next to the desk, sitting in a proper chair and I walked to open the door to my chiropodist