Wednesday 28 August 2013


So for dinner tonight we had some steamed spuds(1) which were delicious and some Clearspot Tofu burger thingies which it said "Eat hot or cold" and contained no heating instructions so I decided to try 'em cold. Which was a a mistake. I would bite into it, and for the first chew would think "No, this is wrong..." before I realised that they were actually delicious. But I couldn't cope with them being cold, it just wasn't right

(1) Including a small amount of butter on them, yum yum

Brief Shopping

Then today we nipped to More Reason's To Shop At.... in order to buy more salad and cheesy rolls for lunch
And some Cadbury's Caramel we ended up with too


Aargh, I had got some spyware from somewhere which loaded itself as my home page no matter how many times I changed it, and did much other out of sight naughtiness. So hopefully I have managed to delete/uninstal all the different parts of it

Google NO

So as I am a bit UBERparanoid about the info that Google are keeping on my browsing habits I re-main-browsered to using Mozilla Firefox instead of Google Chrome