Friday 30 November 2012

...Across The Universe

Later I went to Aardvark and bought more organic food for the week. When I was there I bumped into Anne who was the owner/boss of it when I worked there which was nice. I did some shopping from my wheelchair and walked up and down aisles for the rest


Then we went off to the swimming pool where apparently I was doing better than good. I jumped in with no float around me and was able to cope well with that. I think that took it out of me, it was too much of an event but I managed.


First thing today Sara the physio came and got me doing all kinds of walking up & down, in my new splint. She said the old splint had worn out already and she can tell the difference in my walking. She said "Sorry, doing this again but you will learn in the end, it becomes automatic" and generally did stuff to piss me off with a good excuse